Federal Ministry of Water Resources (FMWR) is the main regulatory body in the water sector. It has the primary role / rights to regulate, develop, and license all water operators in Nigeria.

Founded: 1976

Website: www.waterresources.gov.ng

Reason: To enforce Federal laws relating to water resources management and development


  • To make regulations particularly for the control of groundwater use
  • Grant licences for abstraction, construction and operation of bore holes and wells
  • General planning for development and administration of water resources of the nation

Departments: For the ministry to execute these functions, it created some departments namely:

  • Dept. of Planning, Research and Statistics
  • Dept. of Reform Coordination & Service Improvement
  • Dept. of Irrigation and Drainage
  • Dept. of Water Supply
  • Dept. of Water Quality Control & Sanitation
  • Dept. of Dams and Reservoir Operations
  • Dept. of River Basin Operation & Inspectorate


Note: This doesn’t include usual departments that organisations normally have. 

Dept. of Hydrology and Hydrogeology is now an agency



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