drops-of-water-578897_1920Am at that stage in my life where words are beginning to make more sense and am becoming more and more curious about their real meaning . “Understanding” is one of such words. I will its meaning later. Lets focus on “Understanding Water”. We use water everyday, yet how many people understand this resource and are they aware it has become a major concern in this century?

For a resource that seems so simple,  how come its not so easy to talk about. Some of you may know the chemical elements of water but is that all there is about it. I understand the “Earth’s” water content is more than twice its land content which also applies to the human body (70% water and 30% earth). This raised questions in my mind – How can there be more water than land and its becoming a concern? If the human body contains more water, should we drink twice as much than we eat? Are you aware there isn’t any “new” water in the world, so what happened to all the ones we used up? Also where will the one we are using today come from? If we go on, more and more questions will keep surfacing.

While future blogs will be more focused, it’s interesting to know what your first or second thoughts where when you saw the title “Understanding Water”.


Understanding – Under + Standing  i.e.  Something you stand on like a support.


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